Ihya Publications

As Salaam alaikum,

Cheadle Masjid are proud to present, ‘Ihya Publications’ (Ihya means revival in Arabic).

The aim is to provide an eclectic mix of original, stimulating and topical Islamic articles in a biannual publication.


We are looking for potential writers for our future publications Insha’Allah.  If you’re interested in contributing, please fill in the form below.

> Fill in the form ASAP please
> Open to anyone age 16+

✍️APPLY HERE: https://forms.office.com/e/ivGSGPtqAr


Although the publication is run by volunteers, the project has a considerable cost in terms of design, printing and distribution. Please donate generously to help the project grow and continue to address key issues our ummah faces.
JazakAllah khair

The link for the just giving fundraiser page is: https://justgiving.com/campaign/ihya

Volume One


Volume Two


Volume Three


Donate Now