1 December 2024 29 Jumādā al-Ula 1446
Fajr Iqamah
7:00 am2 Hours 31 Minutes |
Prayer | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Begins | 6:32 am | 8:02 am | 12:03 pm | 2:06 pm | 3:57 pm | 5:28 pm |
Iqamah | 7:00 am | 1:20 pm | 2:15 pm | 3:57 pm | 7:45 pm |
Come join us for an immersive gamebox experience.
Time | 9:30am prompt departure from East Didsbury Tram Station 2pm return to East Didsbury Tram Station |
Age | 12-16 year old girls |
Included | Food and transportation and 60 minute gaming experience |
The £30 is a subsidised price for this event.