Sisters Youth Qiyam – Y7-Y9

Sisters Islamic Studies Programme (Y7/8) – Term 1

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

We are pleased to introduce a 2-year Islamic studies programme for high school girls years 7 and 8. The programme will focus on grounding students in […]


Young Sisters Circle – Yrs 3-6

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

Building faith, identity, and confidence! An open space for young sisters to come together and learn about their faith! Run bi-Weekly halaqah for girls in year […]

Event Series Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

A weekly iman booster for sisters. A warm welcoming circle that encourages women to learn how to deal with daily issues through the eyes of a believer. […]

Ladies Talqeen and Tilawah Class

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

A weekly class designed to improve your recitation of the Quran. The class will also include memorisation and an explanation of important duas from Hisnul Muslim, […]

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